Object Collision (Boss Diglett:The Game)
During freshman year a few of my friends created a character named "Boss Diglett," a Diglett from Pokemon who had joined the Mafia. I thought it would be fun to make a game chronicling his adventures. I had just begun creating the game when I decided to test out some simple object collisions between the characters and crates (squares) or barrels (circles). To my dismay, I found that Flash treated any object as the box made from the object's width and height, so two parallel lines could be nowhere near each other and Flash would think they were colliding. I then spent a significant amount of time building classes for circles and squares to allow collisions and got a nice working system. I programmed in a patrolling non-playable character whom you can see by going a bit to the left with your character. Then I realized that some of the more complex characters wouldn't be properly described by just a square or a circle, so I began working on various collision points for a few days until the complexity of the work frustrated me so much I abandoned the project.